Intuitive Counselling
Traditional talking therapies provide time and space for the client to be heard in a non judgmental way. With professional support you can find ways of coming to terms with life events, past and present.
Often when we are confused and unhappy life is a struggle. Being listened to and helped to come to a new understand of what is happening for you can be an uplifting experience. A specialism in Marys counselling work is she is often guided through her clairvoyant gifts: It happens naturally in sessions and can provide a deeper understanding of a clients issue.
Mary offers professional confidential support, long and short term and works with a variety of life events.
Relationship difficulties, bereavement, domestic violence, childhood abuse, stress and anxiety, trauma, work place issues and more.
Mary is happy to offer a ten minute discussion on the telephone to assist you in making a decision about your therapy.
Having worked as a counsellor since 1996, and expanding her experience and professional knowledge down through the years, has meant she can draw on a wealth of resources and understanding.
A 60 Minute counselling session: Fee £40